Monday, July 9, 2012

MTC Week 10:Not P-day‏

Ok so i know its not p-day family dont freak out my branch pres. said it would be ok to send a short e mail before i left so im going to.
So as you know im leaving the last time i told you my travil plans they were a remembering and not me taking it from the paper so i will tell you the details now.I leave tomorrow (tuesday) Ok so they want us to be up at 3 and leave by 5 so we will bus to the airport at 5 and be there around 6 ish then we will check our bags and i will hopefuly make a phone call our flight leaves at 8:30 so we will probably have about 1 hour to talk if we are fast in the airport. then we arive in new york at 3:11 and will be there for 2 hours until 5:40 so if i cant make the call in salt lake i will in new york but if that is the case i dont know the time diferance but i will just plan on calling mom and then dad so we can all talk if you are all at work. then we fly from 5:40pm to 8:25 am to vienna, Austria yeah cool huh but we leave there at 9:45 and fly right into kiev and will be there at about noon the next day. we will all be super jet laged but it will be fun and way cool to just be out there. then we dont have a p day until the next monday and it will be the next time you hear from me ok.
Ok so im sending home a package today with some stuff and a few letters along with hopefuly the paper you wanted me to get signed.
Yeah im just freaking excited to be out there its sad to see so many of my friends leave but its ok because thats what a mission is So I love you all and wish the best and i will see you in not to long..........

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